Winter can take its toll on your athletic track and before you know it, spring is on the horizon and the event calendar will start filling up with bookings ahead of the athletic season.
Following this checklist will ensure your track is safe and ready for a busy season of sports.
Track maintenance:
The safety of your track is paramount. Small repairs and loose granules may seem like small issues at the beginning, but if left, these small problems can result in much larger scale repairs and worse, cause injury to users of the track.

Track cleaning:
Yes, this comes under the umbrella of maintenance but every 1-2 years, we recommend you get your track surface professionally cleaned. The advantages of this ensures the track surface is clean from any moss and contaminants to avoid any slips or trips on your track.

Planning events:
Check what events you’ll be running at your event. Do you have all of the equipment prepared and correct track markings? White Line Services will set out and paint tracks to the latest UKA and IAAF standards to ensure your track is event ready. There are new regulations in place from 2018 for hurdle markings, so it’s always worth checking your current markings are up-to-date before hosting any events.
See guides online for up-to-date track markings on the IAAF website or drop us a message and a member of White Line Services team would be happy to help.